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skyBuilders Services
skyBuilders Services include the consulting, training, development, hosting and support needed to manage an enterprise over the web though a web services portal.

  • Site Evaluation
  • - we visit your web site, examine its size, architecture, content, look and feel, navigation methods, and overall usability. We make recommendations in five areas, and provide a cost and time estimate for conversion to a database-backed website with portal and content management.
  • Development
  • - A skyBuilders Development Site puts a copy of your current web site on our development servers, visible to you at address http://yoursite.skybuilders.com.
  • Site Hosting
  • - skyBuilders is an ISP (Internet Service Provider) hosting about 75 web sites, mostly developmental sites. Backups hourly and daily. Weekly backup to CD-ROMs. Massive UPS. Redundant Internet connections (Dual T1 lines, Dual NICs, Dual LANs). Site Monitor. WebTrends reports. Domain Name management.
  • Turnkey Site
  • - All the software and hardware, from the operating system to the web servers, database servers, and mail servers needed to put your enterprise management system on the web in a fully configured rackmount skyBox.
  • Training
  • - at your facilities or ours.
  • Seminars
  • - half-day and full-day sessions at skyBuilders headquarters in Cambridge.
  • Support
  • - provided over the web with our own skySupport tools, including threaded discussion forums, and product help desks.

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Author: bobdoyle

This Version:
Archived at: https://www.skybuilders.com/Services/index.20050108214713.html

 Version: 42695 | Series: 48966 

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