> Services > Turnkey Web Site

A Turnkey Web Site

A skyBuilders Turnkey Site bundles all the software and hardware, from the operating system to the web servers, database servers, and mail servers needed to put your enterprise management system on the web.

We build the site in our lab facilities, capture your current web site, put it online for your Development schedule, then ship it to you or your hosting data center in a skyBox.

  • 2+GHz CPU
  • 512MB RAM
  • 2 160GB drives
  • (mirrored)
  • Win2000 Server
  • MS SQL Server
  • SMTP Server
skyBuilders skyBox

We ship it to your hosting center preconfigured to run in their IP space. If you wish, we can also install remote management software to provide initial configuration support services. Your IT staff will appreciate that the entire package, from operating system software to database software, is debugged and running with the web applications software behind the web server.

Your staff will be trained in the use of skyBuilders tools to create and maintain pages over the web, to modernize navigation methods, and provide you with multiple portals as needed (a main home page and similar design sub-sites for distinct parts of your organization). We can also train them as needed in the use of skyBuilders tools for Commerce, Community Building, Events, Resources, and Project Management,

When you launch, you will have newly trained webmasters on your staff who can maintain your web site from any web browser. Your ongoing maintenance costs will be remarkably low because we aim to make you independent of further development fees.

You will also gain access to the latest web-based management workFlow tools.

Isn't it time to manage your enterprise over the web?

The first step is an evaluation of your web site ($250). The second step is to build a Development Site online. We can also provide a specification for the Development Site to assist you with your Request for Proposals.

Send us an email requesting a Site Evaluation Now

Request a Development Site Proposal

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