document.write("\<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %\>\r\<% sPageID = 1715 %\>\r\<" + "!-- #include virtual = \'/timelines/\' --\>\r\<" + "!-- #include virtual = \'/timelines/\' --\>\r\<%= sHeadSpace %\>\skyTools\\r\n\\r\nThe \skyTools\ module includes utilities for managing you"); document.write("r web server.\r\n\\r\nThere are currently three skyTools components:\r\n\\r\n\\skyBackups\ - over the web backups of your web site and database.\\r\n\\skyMonitors\ - monitoring services that notify you with email and cell phone pages in the"); document.write(" event of network or server interruptions\\r\n\\skyUpgrade\ - XML Technology to upgrade your site on demand to the latest version of skyBuilders timeLines\\r\n\\r\n");