document.write("\<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %\>\r\<% sPageID = 1711 %\>\r\<" + "!-- #include virtual = \'/timelines/\' --\>\r\<" + "!-- #include virtual = \'/timelines/\' --\>\r\<%= sHeadSpace %\>\skyCommerce\\r\nOur e-commerce offerings include a sophisticated catalog and sho"); document.write("pping cart with registration of new visitors into the enterprise database, a help desk product for advanced interactive customer support, and a double-entry accounting system to capture transactions and post online sales to the general ledger.\r\n\\r\nThere"); document.write(" are five skyCommerce modules:\r\n\\r\n\\skyMarkets\ - 1-on-1 marketing tools that let you manage email, sales contacts and customer relations\\r\n\\skyCatalog\ - A powerful online catalog with links to shopping cart. Unique \"hypertree\" s"); document.write("tructure allows the same product in multiple \"branches\" of the tree. \\r\n\\skyShop\ - A fully featured shopping cart. Customer histories. Billing/Shipping address management. Credit card validation. Settlement through VeriSign and various back "); document.write("ends. \\r\n\\skySupport\ - A 24/7 help desk tool that is always available for product support. Users can leave messages with concerns, and solutions. Moderated.\\r\n\\skyAccounts\ - A web-based double-entry bookkeeping system. Infinite"); document.write(" trees in the Chart of Accounts. Transactions with split-entries. Financial reports include Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Uses and Sources of Funds, etc.\\r\n\r\n\\r\n");